Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to Earn Bear Bills Fast

Do this routine everyday or every time you visit Buildabearville and you'll have much more bear bills in no time!

1. Do "Pawsome Panda's Checklist" at the Sportsplex. This will give you up to 100 bear bills just as long as you check all the boxes. (can be done once a day only)

2. Play the "Backstage Search" at the Secret Backstage of the Pawforming Arts and earn 200 bear bills. (can be played once a day only)

3. Complete the "Environmentally Pawsome Nature Walk" at the Pawsitively Green Center everyday and earn 200 bear bills every time.

4. Get additional bear bills from the "Scavenger Sweep" minigame located at Sunshine Shores. You can earn up to 50 bear bills per play, or more than that! Since the game is repeatable in a day.

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